黛布拉·K的大头照. 科比

黛布拉K. 科比






Deb has been a champion for change throughout her career in the public safety field. 在为皇家88账户注册工作之前, 黛布拉是爱尔兰警察厅Síochána监察局的副总督察, which reports to the Minister of the Irish Department of Justice and Equality. Debra建议在Garda内部进行改进Síochána, 爱尔兰的国家警察部队, and made major contributions to critical issues involving crime investigation, 组织改革与现代化, 以及儿童性虐待.

黛布拉从芝加哥警察局退休了。, 美国第二大警察部门.S.,担任组织发展局局长. She held leadership positions in multiple administrative, investigative and operational domains. In 2012, Debra served as the law enforcement lead and co-chair for the 2012 NATO Summit National Special Security Event in Chicago during which the CPD provided world-class service with minimal disruption to the event or ongoing business, 史无前例的结果. 在芝加哥警局工作期间, her accomplishments ranged from establishing community policing practices within the investigative function and developing a whole of community response to domestic violence to implementing a task force approach to stopping violence at licenses premises.

黛布拉有巡逻行动的指挥经验, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法培训, 政策发展, data-led policing and internal affairs with an acute focus on integrity systems, covert operations and the need for strong accountability practices in support of operational priorities. She also established the first Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)/Internal Affairs Task Force in the U.S. 结果是, federal 调查 and administrative actions directed at serious misconduct increased significantly.

Debra served as General Counsel to the Superintendent and led reform on prisoner treatment, LGBT政策和涉警枪击(OIS)审查. Partnering with the independent oversight agency for the CPD’s use of force, 独立警察审查局, 她建立了以识别培训为重点的OIS正式审查, 监督和解决政策问题. She was an instrumental partner in developing the CPD’s response protocol for OIS in agreement with the Review Authority.

黛布拉有丰富的劳资关系经验, having negotiated with the City to obtain the first supervisor’s contract for CPD sergeants, and later representing the CPD as General Counsel in labor negotiations and grievances for all members of the department.

伊利诺斯州的执业律师, Debra has a master’s degree in homeland security awarded by the Naval Postgraduate School and an undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois. She is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and was a Fulbright Scholar for Law Enforcement working with the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom.

  • 约翰·马歇尔法学院法学博士
  • 海军研究生院国土安全专业文学硕士
  • 伊利诺伊大学金融学理学学士学位
  • 富布赖特警察研究奖学金,英国
  • 美国联邦调查局第192届毕业生
  • 国土防御与安全中心校友会主席
  • 联邦执法培训认证委员会成员
  • 国际警察局长协会成员
  • 芝加哥律师协会会员